Why Small Businesses Matter™ by HamletHub is made possible by

Fairfield Bank

Choose One of Three easy ways to help us promote your business

We are excited to feature your business in our Why Small Businesses Matter series sponsored by Fairfield County Bank!

10 minutes of your time can help us promote your business to your community!



HamletHub Why Small Businesses Matter

Would you like to answer the questions now?

Please answer any 3 of the 4 questions. We will publish your responses along with a photo of you and/or your business in HamletHub as well as on our social media pages and in our daily e-newsletter.

Why did you start your business?

What is your best selling product/service?

How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?

Have you "reimagined" your small business?

We value your privacy & will not share your email with anyone, ever, for any reason!